Previous Events:

02.03.-03.03.2023: 4th Seminar Day Tagungszentrum Landshut

We started off our first meeting of the year at in Landshut with two special guests. A workshop given by Prof. Radek Cibulka from UCT Prague about blanks and control experiments was a very useful tool and reminder about the important role of such experiments in photochemistry and -catalysis. It was very pleasant that we could welcome Prof. Jimmie Weaver from Oklahoma State University for a presentation about "Molecular Mousetraps - Gen II; Efforts toward an Improved Visible Light Driven Conjugation Technology" at this meeting and it was intriguing to gain some insights on his research. Additionally, we learned a lot about "Flavins as strong Photooxidative and highly potent Photoreductive Agents" by another talk presented by Prof. Radek Cibulka. 

Many thanks as well to all our CRC graduates who presented their current research and opened up the room for fruitful scientific discussions and new collaborations. After all, it was great coming together with a lot of new graduates in this beautiful scenery for the first time in 2023.

For more information about Radek Cibulka: Link and Jimmie Weaver: Link

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